Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Only Tuesday!

As I mentioned in an earlier post- Trey loves his matchbox cars... Each morning one of the first things he does is go to his toy closet and grab his cars and car mat and 2 by 2 carefully lines up his cars on the window... Its really funny and so cute:He also discovered the stash of baseballs this week. He would run into our room- grab a baseball run into the living room- toss it and go back for another... until he'd gotten all of them. There were baseballs everywhere!! Here he is with one he'd just nabbed:
His Papi had an eye doctor appointment this week so he (and his grammy) stopped by... here is a picture:
We also went to Chic-Fil-A today for lunch. We met Karen and Kate. After we ate the kiddos played in the play area. I cannot get a decent picture of Trey and Kate together but I did get this picture of Trey and some little girl. She told Trey to sit and she would "fly the helicopter"
Now we are just getting ready for our Boston trip. Chip and I are heading up to watch the Red Sox! I am really excited. We also are going to do the Duck Tours and eat lots of yummy seafood! It'll be a short trip- but a nice mini getaway!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Is that Kate with the pig tails?