Saturday, September 13, 2008

Trey.... can't believe he is 16 months already!

This week I decided that it was past time for Trey to have a major hair cut. From the trimmings he'd gotten before I knew that he was not going to stand for going somewhere and getting a "real" haircut. So I thought maybe I could do it myself. I've never cut hair before... ok well once. I cut Chip's hair and it didn't turn out well at all! Anyhow- I pulled out Chip's clippers and sat Trey down on the bathroom floor with a few matchbox cars and went to work. Surprise surprise it actaully turned out pretty good!!! Check it out: Chip's schedule has been very different all week so we've been able to have alot more family time! So we've been taking Trey to the park alot... here are some pictures:Trey has an cabnet in our kitchen that is almost empty... it is "his" to play in. And he LOVES to do that. Every time I cook he opens the door and in he goes. It reminds me of the scene in 'A Christmas Story' (my favorite movie!)... It is pretty funny; he'll close the door and you can hear him talking away - when you knock- he opens the door and laughs. Trey really likes wearing shoes -at least around the house- he hates it when he is supposed to wear them.... at a consignment sale I bought a pair of slippers for him. I figured since most of our place is hardwoods not only would his feet hurt after awhile but it'll be cold in the winter so the slippers would be nice for him. He loves wearing them around now even though it is still 90 degrees out during the day. And these are pictures of him wearing his slippers just before bath time but they just make Chip and I smile so big when we look at them. I can imagine one day when he gets married these pictures will end up in a slide show!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the slippers and the last pic! Cute!